Contact Us

If you have some news, events, or want to promote yourself, send us an email and we will get in touch.

Everything we are doing here at Ripper is about getting into the community and seeing how we can contribute. That is why we want to hear from board riders, community organisers, or anything else board sports.

Check out our socials as well. We get up to all kinds of mischief.

Socials Submissions

  • If you want to send us some footage to show on the website, there are two ways you can get in touch:
  • Send a message on our socials
    Head to our Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok page and send us a message. We can then share directly from your profile, or upload it to our feed.
  • Send us an email with the details
    Send an email to and we will send you a cloud link to upload the footage. Just upload the video and we will take it from there. Be sure to include your name, any socials handles, or any more details you want us to include.

Article Submissions

We would love to promote your local events, business, or community news. Just get in touch by sending us an email at, include your contact details, what the article is about, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.